Samsung Galaxy Star, available online for approximately Rs 4,300, is a dual-sim phone that has a 3-inch (240x320p) display. It is powered by a 1GHz processor and 512MB RAM. The phone runs Android 4.1 (Jelly Bean) operating system and packs 4GB of internal storage and a microSD slot that can support cards of up to 32GB capacity.
The smartphone features a 2MP primary camera minus LED flash; the secondary camera is also missing. In terms of connectivity options, the phone offers 2G, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth 4.0 and microUSB 2.0, and its battery capacity is just 1,200mAh.
Most of Indian customers like budget handsets and Galaxy Star s5282 is one of them but every phone has its own limitations. Your phone can be bricked while doing various tweaks like rooting, flashing recovery or sudden unplug of cable while doing above two. So in this post, I'm gonna show you how to unbrick your bricked Galaxy Star.
Your phone is bricked in following cases :-
- If you see a this error 'Please select recovery mode in Kies and try again'.
- If your phone is stuck at 'SAMSUNG' boot animation.
- If your phone is stuck at 'Galaxy Star' logo.
Things you need :-
Download all the three files and install USB Drivers first and extract the ROM and Recovery tool in a folder.
How to fix bricked Galaxy Star GT - S5282 :-
1. Now boot your phone into Download Mode by pressing and holding the Volume Down + Home button + Power button together till you see the below image.
(This is not Galaxy Star. This photo is just an example) |
2. Now press 'Volume Up' button to confirm. You will see this.
3. Now Open recovery tool i.e. Odin 3.07 and connect your phone to PC using data cable. For Desktop users, plug the cable in USB port situated at the back of CPU. If you plug it in front USB ports then you will get an error. By doing above, you will see this.
4. Click on 'PDA' button and select the Stock rom whose extension is .md5 file.
5. Now, click 'Start' button.
6. You will see processes in Message Box and after sometime green 'PASS' image on top of ODIN. Don't interfere with your phone this time.
7. Wait for the phone to reboot.
And you will see your phone come alive.. Hope, you will like this post. If any queries, comment box is yours.