tv is a website dedicated to peoples of India,it helps them discover
local stores and other useful places in their neighbourhood,this
platform enables users to get the cashback offers and save money,and
many other features.
To use this website just signup and input your city name,you will see a list of offers available,click on an offer the offers will be like “Rs 300 and Above Get Rs.50 PinCodeTV Cash Back- Salt N Pepper Restaurant (Restaurant)” Click on the generate button and proceed following the instructions.
The website is offering free 20 Rs Recharge for all the new users who signup and Rs 100 for your first transaction.
How to get:-
To get the free mobile recharge just goto Pincodetv site and scroll down,you will see an image as follows ,click on it a signup box will open up ,input the fields there :Mobile,name,email and click continue,finally verify your mobile number,your wallet will get filled up by balance,navigate to spend cash and redeem your recharge.
This website is currently a bit slow may be due to high traffic,if you face any problem use internet explorer browser,the site is working fine their.
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To use this website just signup and input your city name,you will see a list of offers available,click on an offer the offers will be like “Rs 300 and Above Get Rs.50 PinCodeTV Cash Back- Salt N Pepper Restaurant (Restaurant)” Click on the generate button and proceed following the instructions.
The website is offering free 20 Rs Recharge for all the new users who signup and Rs 100 for your first transaction.
How to get:-
To get the free mobile recharge just goto Pincodetv site and scroll down,you will see an image as follows ,click on it a signup box will open up ,input the fields there :Mobile,name,email and click continue,finally verify your mobile number,your wallet will get filled up by balance,navigate to spend cash and redeem your recharge.
This website is currently a bit slow may be due to high traffic,if you face any problem use internet explorer browser,the site is working fine their.
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